some fuckers thought it a great idea to come in and mess with this site.. so it's been down for a while! with the frequency of updates, one could argue it's been down for a very long time! I'll see what I can do on it.
For know, I'll quote Elton John :
Don't you...
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It was waiting to happen.... find a new distraction to concentrate on or just something new to get hooked on! And photography got me by the balls. Through the two years I've been running BeijingDaze, I've taken close to 100,000 pictures of food and music, not to...
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so, two weeks after the earth stopped turning because Google announced they would stop censoring the results on their .cn domain, we're still around and not much has changed!
The blogoshphere is full of posts, rants and articles from everyone and their dog about...
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It's an iphone and wordpress world and i am lucky enough to use both so it is about time i actually combine them!
so this is my first post from brsingr and a prelude to keepin track of my upcoming journey through china. For once, i m doing a test drive before taking...
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the geek is back in town!
The last two weeks have been pretty darn good to my inner geek: After years of stagnancy, I got back into the whole SEO scene juggling bounce rates and goal management. WP fun is also high on the list with a couple of new blogs launched (...
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